…at the moment!

Glasic Pro
3 min readSep 2, 2022


I have said this way too many times and it is not making sense at the moment, but I would like to convince you that this phrase has a superpower, which I noticed after adding in to many of my opinions!

Johnny Depp is the best Captain Jack Sparrow at the moment.

macOS Big Sur is my best OS at the moment.

Eminem’s “Bad Guy” is my best song at the moment.

Rihanna is my best female artiste at the moment.

And so on, really, but what I would like you to realize is that the phrase, “at the moment”, is helping me keep an open mind, in a very subtle but significant way. I am not stuck with Rihanna, another artiste can come along and prove better, another song can come along and be better, I am leaving room for this possibility.

I would like to think that our social lives would be much simpler if we employed this phrase in as many aspects of it as we can, generally to help keep an open mind and not drown in our own hopes. When someone tells you anything that is not factual, I think you are better off treating as valid only at the moment they said it, and, of course, it would be fair to give them a benefit of the doubt. In some cases, it might be until it changes and others, until you confirm it to be valid.

I, at the moment, feel it is even more justified to aggressively use this phrase when sharing our feelings. I like you at the moment, I love you at the moment, I think you’re cute at the moment, I want to spend the rest of my life with you at the moment (this last one sounds grammatically funny).

Now, I would like to point out that, with how our brains work, emotional intelligence and all, the phrase does not need to be aired out, just have it at the back of your mind when sharing your feelings with someone or when they are sharing their feelings with you.

Given this information, it is imperative to understand that the length of a moment in this complex system we exist, is not exactly finite. It can range from as short as a minute to a life time or even beyond. But statistically and realistically, it most probably won’t be so long. It is up to us to study the parameters of the moment and see how it is progressing. What is guaranteed, however, is that this moment will, one way or another, come to an end.

Who you are and your beliefs, at the moment, are as a result of the information you have at the moment. As you get more information, things will change in way, you may notice, or not.

There is this famous breakup line, “It’s not you, it’s me…” This is clearly a reasoning from a place of unawareness that what this person felt has changed, the moment in which they felt that way ended. And when this happens, I know it is hard and it hurts, but we ought to accept and move on to the next available moment.

Don’t be stuck with what you know, where you are at the moment, it is okay for the moment to end, given new information. This is how I, at the moment, think we shall manage to keep an open mind about everything surrounding us.

Thank you for sparing your precious time to read my thoughts.

